POVmosix = ( Povray + openMosix ) ^ ( qt * kde )
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:: Installation ::
Alessandro Bonfanti
EMAIL xjbon@tin.it

- Download the source code and compile it.

Download the source tarball from here and uncompress the file:

bunzip2 povmosix-1.x.tar.bz2

Extract the files:

tar -xvf povmosix-1.x.tar

- Compile the source code.

To create the correct makefile, enter in povmosix directory and execute the command :


and compile the source files with:


This command make and install the executable in /usr/local/bin directory. If you prefer to install povmosix in another directory you must edit povmosix.pro and change the DESTDIR variable.

- Configuration.

Start povmosix (/usr/local/bin/povmosix) and select the Tools->configuration menu item.

Where :
Path Path to povray executable (for example /usr/local/povray-3.5/povray/bin/povray).
You can use the "..." button to browse filesystems.
Attributes Default optional povray parameters , for example +a0.1 or +am2.
You can change this setting also during task creation.
Temp. dir Povmosix nedd a directory to store same temporary file.
You can use the "..." button to browse filesystems and choose one directory.
Sub jobs Default number of subjob for task.
You can change this setting also during task creation.
Width Default width of rendering output.
You can change this setting also during task creation.
Height Default height of rendering output.
You can change this setting also during task creation.

Now you are ready to use POVmosix.